This piece was created by an Aquarian witch, meaning she only created magic under the Aquarian moon. The magic during the sign of Aquarius tends to be very bold and enchanting, as well as a little erratic. In other words, it is extremely powerful and pushes the envelope in what it is capable of. It is one of the most powerful signs of the Zodiac. The moon during Aquarius is also very powerful, casting lunar tides that are capable of opening many doors to both magic and other realms of existence. This piece will connect you to a witch that is named (appropriately) Aquaria, not to be confused with the drag queen of the same name. You will be able to connect with her on telekinetic and subliminal level, You can tell her the magic that you would like her to create for you and she will create it. This ring holds enough Aquarian energy for her to be able to cast what you want all year.