The Wandering Wizard of Hungary
The Wandering Wizard of Hungary
The Wandering Wizard of Hungary
The Wandering Wizard of Hungary
The Wandering Wizard of Hungary
The Wandering Wizard of Hungary

The Wandering Wizard of Hungary

Regular price $127.09
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This is a piece that we got from the Underground Auction.   We don't have a whole lot of background information on the piece other than the fact that it gives you a connection to a powerful entity known as the Wandering Warlock of Hungary.  Well, that's the name that we gave him.  We aren't really sure what his real name is because he hasn't revealed it to us.  We just call him a wizard and he responds to us.  

Deedee only got this piece in the first place because she felt an immediate connection to it.  She said that she could feel the entity within the piece calling out to her.  The entity is a Hungarian wizard.  KHe i ancient in age, probably around before Hungary.  Hungary just happens to be the last place the wizard existed before he was summoned into this piece.  This piece is Hungarian-made.  

The Wandering Warlock has traveled the Earth many times over and has collected magic along the way.  From ancient Egyptian magic to Mayan magic and the magic of the Inca, this piece can help you manifest the many kinds of magic that you want or need from all over the world.  All you have to do is connect with the wizard in this piece and he will pass the magic on to you that you ask of him.