We have spoken about Reptilians many times before and their ability to blend in with their surroundings. This is because they have a special "belt" that they wear that allows them to change their appearance at will. This is how they have been able to appear as angelic creatures to some, but then turn around and appear in human form the next day. This is all a psychological game for them, which allows their energies to let them appear as they want to appear.
The piece we are offering has been made with the powers of the Reptilian belt. These powers will allow you to manipulate the minds of those in your immediate vicinity to appear however you want to appear, but only in their minds. For instance, you can appear more beautiful. You can appear as a different entity altogether. This piece does not allow for physical shapeshifting, because that's a very involved process, which is why this piece has been created to instead shift the reality perception of the others involved.