This piece is German-made. It is sterling silver and gemstone.
We didn't know what to call the entity that we came into contact with. It wasn't very humanoid at all. In fact, it looked like a floating space jellyfish or something from a sci-fi movie. Yet, there we were staying at this thing. It was kept in a concealment chamber, simply because the being has the intelligence to create strands of destiny as it pleases. It was one of the most simplistic, yet intelligent lifeforms that we have ever come across in our travels. We called it the Quantumator.
The Quantumator (QM for short) is the physical manifestation of knowledge. It has come from either the Cosmos or another high advanced, highly enlightened form of life that has grown into new knowledge and has since "shed" its old knowledge. Again, we aren't quite sure. What we know is what we've told you, but we also know that the QMs are capable of just about anything. They are full of numerical energies that have been created using sacred geometry.
Despite the fact that the QMs were finite creatures, they held infinite information and knowledge, meaning that they were receiving some sort of electronic or quantum transmission from somewhere in the universe, which almost had us thinking that perhaps they are sent into the universe on purpose-- to give people what they truly want and just don't know it or understand... to break free of the false reality that has been given to us and to create their own.
That's what this piece does for you. The QM that we experienced was captured and held in a military bunker in the Appalachian Mountains. We were bilocating when we came across the entity. Of course, we needed a sampling, so we absorbed some of the entity's energy into this piece, which was given to us williningly, before regenerating the energy it had lost.
This energy is free energy, creating from sacred numerology, and is able to adapt to fit the needs of whoever is using it. When you wear this piece you will envision in your mind what you would like the piece to do for you. Whether that is wealth, healing, a relationship, graduating college, landing a dream career, or something totally different, this piece has the ability to grant you whatever you want in your life. It will do this by computing the sacred geometrical values for what you have asked for, creating a "patch" that will alter your simulation, and then working those things into your existence.