Planchette of Angels
Planchette of Angels
Planchette of Angels
Planchette of Angels

Planchette of Angels

Regular price $38.00
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If you want or need a connection to the angelic realm then this is the piece for you.  This piece has angelic, white light magic flowing through it from the Garden of Eden.  You will wear the piece once you get it and the energies will bond with you.  Your energies will also bond with it.  You will need to supply a chain in order to wear it.  When you have worn this piece for about 14 days you will be able to take of this piece and it will act as planchette that you can use with a spirit board to communicate with the angelic host.  You can ask them any questions and they will be answered.  Once they are present you can also ask then form powers or magic when they are present.  If they say no, then that power isn't for you at the moment.  If they say yes, then you will wear the piece for three days before the magic manifests!