It's this piece gorgeous. It's sleek and prismatic and it is just so captivating to look at. It is a pendant made out of opalite, but it is so much more than that. It is a piece that we call the Parter of Worlds. The reason we call it this is because this piece is kind of like your typical spirit pendulum in that you will use it to communicate with other forms of intelligence. This isn't necessarily a spirit or a soul. I mean, it could be, but it could also be communication with any other type of existence that you prefer. Your own personal Grine Djinn? Communication! The vampire that lives in the blood realms? Communication! A fairy that will grant you healing and enlightenment? Communication. A leprechaun that will bring you wealth? Communication. An angel that will bring you hidden white light secrets? COMMUNICATION!!
Okay, now I feel like Oprah. Everyone gets communication!! But seriously, you will start off using this piece like a regular pendulum. You will prime it up, you will then you will ask yes or no questions. Eventually, this piece will facilitate a direct telekinetic pathway to the entity you are communication with, regardless of distance. They will be able to answer any question that you have, show you what it is like to be one of them and-- best of all-- they will even send magical abilities. You can use this piece to communicate with any type of entity that you want, as frequently or as infrequently as you want.