Magical Immunity
Magical Immunity
Magical Immunity
Magical Immunity
Magical Immunity

Magical Immunity

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When you are wearing this piece it creates a white light shield around you that protects you from being effected by any undesired magic.  You might thing to yourself that you aren't involved enough or you don't have enough enemies to warrant the use of a piece suh as this.  However, take this into consideration.  We guarantee our pieces, but what if you get one from another seller and there are unwanted side-effects?  You're covered.  What about the government trying to perform mass mind-control rituals?  Your covered.  What about spiritual possession or any type of mass-cast spells?  You're covered.  Rather safe than sorry if you ask me.  This piece will do just that-- make you immune to unwanted magic so you don't have to suffere the consequences.