This is a pendulum of the Holy Trinity. This is lightening fast acting even if you fail at most supernatural things. Anyone can use this.
This definitely comes under the category of a religious piece even though it doesn’t look like one. You won’t need to wear this ever but you can if you want to. Your religion doesn’t matter as the piece is what it is. The lady who designed this wanted to make believers out of everyone. She felt the sure way to do that was to make sure what miracles they asked for would become reality. She also know those who don’t believe or who are of a different religion wouldn’t mind wearing or just having this.
What will this do for you and how does it work?
To use this piece as a pendulum you will hold it at the clasp and allow the cage with crystals to swing. You don’t need prayer or anything else as that is built in. We supercharge this for you before it even leaves to be sent out to you. Not that it even needs that.
Hold your pendulum and ask whatever questions you have. These questions are answered by the angels who surround the Holy Trinity, God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost.
When you are done asking questions you may ask for miracles or things you really need. Those things are given through supernatural religious magic. God, Jesus or the Holy Ghost will grant those miracles and things you need. Yes they will grant them and yes you read that right.
You may want to know about testing. I, me, Dee Dee have tested this one over and over again. There has not been one time it didn’t work. Did I expect it to work for me? Yes I did as I’m a believer to begin with but I really needed a neutral person to test it. I have a very personal relationship with God and Jesus both so I’m not asking for stuff all the time.
While I didn’t want to because I don’t like the person. In fact to look at him disgusts me. Hey look, I’m real and dislike people the same as you guys do. So I let this person use it in my presence in case they stole it. They were laughing and thinking it was a joke and in all honesty I wanted to wrap this tire iron that was next to me around his fat face. Thank God Jesus died for sinners like me! I honestly can’t stand this person or the trench he rides around with I call the alcoholic wilted pickle representative of the LBGTQRFIG brigade! Honestly her face is like a basset hound and why I call her the Wilted Pickle. The guy I call the inbred FF. I won’t tell you what FF is. He’s the most disrespectful twat shooter out there! His poor grandmother is the only reason he gets away with anything. No one wants to do anything to him as she doesn’t know what a smacked ass he is. She would be upset.
So as you now know my distaste for this flubbering fool, it was hard!!! I give it to him and I’m praying to God and Jesus to help me contain it. I’m feeling bad for them because of how often I have to pray these days. So the meatball eyed rump roasted fool laughs and takes it and says WTF let my sister not be pregs. Seriously, hard test, hard test!!! I then tell him to ask for something material, money, help with bills, etc. I ask God to forgive me yet again as terrible thoughts move through my mind. He does and lets the piece go. Luckily I grabbed it from the useless airbag.
Two days latter the inbred hillbilly from hell rides past my house with the wilted pickle. He slows down and rolls down his window quickly ozzing out his door. The black souled bastard yells I won a 1,000 dollar scratch off and my sisters test is negative! Oh happy, happy joy joy!!! I was so glad his bloodline wasn’t breeding!
Now you may ask why did he get what he wanted if he wasn’t a believer? It’s because it was designed that way. Hopefully he gets the message and changes his life but somehow I doubt it. I mean with this guy it’s like you can put up a barrier to the buffet but you can’t stop the inevitable crash!
In no way do I make fun of the skinny challenged, I’m one myself. This has to do with his charbroiled soul!
The bottom line is it works and I love this piece!