This piece was created by a Chinese conjurer. It holds an ancient pair of twin deities that were created by the immortals and sent forth to spread their gifts with humanity. For thousands of years, the twins did precisely that. They roamed the Earth granting their luck and wealth to anybody that needed it, specifically those who called upon them.
After thousands of years, the twins finally discarded their mortal forms and became highly energetic spirits in lieu of physical entities. Still, they traveled the earth granting people the luck and the wealth they need to get through life. Since there are two of them, the luck and the wealth are double, because one feeds off of the other's energy, creating a vortex.
The twins will bring you luck in all that you do. They will bring you whatever kind of wealth you need, whether that be in the form of business, returns of investment, winning at the lottery, or something else.
We had several people test this item and they have come back with some pretty wild stories. One person was able to use this piece to get a new car. Another person was able to use this piece to grant himself a sum of money, so he could finally move out of his parents' basement. Hey, nothing wrong with cohabitating, but when you have that much money, you don't need to!
This piece is simply to use. You will simply put it in your home of business and allow the magic to connect with you. You will then meditate with the piece, communicate how you would like your luck and wealth to be delivered to you. Then, hang it back up.