Cerulean Wealth
Cerulean Wealth
Cerulean Wealth
Cerulean Wealth

Cerulean Wealth

Regular price $38.00
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This piece was created by the master conjurer.  It holds a ring of blue ifrit djinn that have ben summoned solely for the purpose of bringing you wealth.  It will not bring anything else for you, but if wealth is what you are seeking then seek no more.  These djinn-- there are 5 of them-- each control channels of wealth energy and when you own this piece then will forward this energy to you and they will manifest as forms of physical wealth in various areas of your life.  You can use this piece at the casino, you can use it for wealth in business, you can use it for any reason you want as long as that reason pertains to gaining wealth.  We call it cerulean wealth, because these are blue ifrit djinn, and cerulean comes from the Latin word caelum, meaning sky.  With this piece, the sky is the limit.