This is a simple scrying ring that you will use to see the future. You will use it with a mirror and you will gaze into the mirror as if it was a crystal ball. You must be wearing the piece. It will show you your future and if you don't like what you see, simply project thoughts of what you would like your future to be and the mirror will catch those reflections. It will feed them back to the ring and those reflections will be manifested.
This is a simple scrying ring that you will use to see the future. You will use it with a mirror and you will gaze into the mirror as if it was a crystal ball. You must be wearing the piece. It will show you your future and if you don't like what you see, simply project thoughts of what you would like your future to be and the mirror will catch those reflections. It will feed them back to the ring and those reflections will be manifested.