This is an antique piece that was made using Sterling Silver. It holds the symbol for immortality. It is another piece that we received at the Underground Auction. People have asked and we have listened. They've asked for immortality so we have provided it. This piece is one that provides you with immortality, but it provides you immortality in a very specific way.
This piece holds the spirit of an Atlantean Nautilus. In ancient times it lived in the waters surrounding the Crystal Pyramid of Ubba. This was a district in Atlantis that was especially known for its ability to produce healthy, immortal beings. This power was attributed not only to their pyramid but also to the moat that surrounded the pyramid, which is where the nautilus comes from.
When you own this piece the energies from the Nautilus will permeate your core being. Your DNA will begin to mutate. The aging process that is typically undergone will be significantly decreased. You will notice your energy levels begin to increase. Your stamina will improve. Your speed will improve. Everything will improve.
What happens with this piece is that you will exist in your human form as long as you desire. You will age, but it will be at such a slow pace that nobody will even notice. They'll think that you just look good for your age, but you will know the truth. When you are ready, this piece will allow you to transcend from your immortal human form to an immortal Atlantean form.
When you transcend from this realm to the Atlantean realms you will experience a transformation. This is a transformation is obviously one that we will not be able to help you with. You must maintain your human form for a total of 50% of the human life that you are expected to live before being able to transform. It's like this human body is your cocoon that you will use to grow in power and when you spread your immortal wings you will finally exist as a True Atlantean.
You will be tied to the powerful pyramid of Ubba, with the ability to enter the pyramid. This will take place even in your human form. You will be able to travel the halls and the secret chambers of the Crystal Pyramid of Ubba in your mind. There are innumerable and copious amounts of magic that you will be able to access by using this piece. NOt to mention, using the powers and energies of this magnificent and enormous pyramid you will be able to manifest your own!
This piece is literally a win-win-win-win situation. You should buy it. Today. Don't sleep on this piece, as somebody else will come along and scoop it up and we doubt we will be seeing another one like this any time soon!