Angelic Answering
Angelic Answering
Angelic Answering
Angelic Answering

Angelic Answering

Regular price $38.00
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This piece gives the sage advice of the highest angels.  It is a piece that has been made with energetically charged crystals that will turn your brain into a communication hub.  This communication hub is specifically designed for communication with angelic beings.  You can ask them any type of question you want and they will answer you.  Your answers will come in the form of visions and dreams.  If the situation is dire, sometimes the answers even take the form of a stern voice.  We have only had that happen a couple of times though in all the times we have had this piece tested.  It's safe to say that this piece will induce the dreams and visions that will give the answers to your questions.  These can be questions about anything you want like, "What will happen at the end of times" or, "Will this job be a successful endeavor for me?"  These answers will lead you downa  path to succ in all things that you do.