We don't often delve into Nordic magic the way we should. Yeah, we offer the magic of the rune. Trust me, they're powerful. However, just like Christianity has angels, demons, the behemoth, archangels, and other creatures, the Norse have their own group of magical and powerful creatures. You might be wondering how both tales can be true? The simple answer is that both realities exist on different timelines. These timelines make up existence and we can visit these timelines with magical pieces that we have and bring them back to you.
As I was saying the Norse have many powerful and magical creatures that make up their reality. We have creature a collection of items that have come from the Norse reality and features some of their most powerful entities. If you are reading this and the piece that you want is out of stock, email one of us, and I'm sure we will be able to get you another.
This piece summons the presence of the ancient knowledge dragon Jormundga. We call him Jorm for short. We don't know if he likes it, but what Jorm doesn't know won't hurt him. He is incredibly powerful as he eats his tail like the ouroboros. He is the neverending presence that surrounds Midgard (where we live) and separates our reality from places like Asgard and Valhalla.
He is also the equivalent of the serpent of knowledge from other realities. He has access to the Tree of Knowledge, which in Norse reality is where the different levels of existence reside. the Jormugandr will allow to transcend those levels and visit other levels of existence. He will bring you ancient knowledge as well as ancient magic. All you have to do is ask for it.
This piece is solid sterling..