This piece is a labradorite pendant that comes from Mexico. It's brilliant and powerful magic is explained below!
The Mayans seemed to have it all together, didn't they? They predicted the coming of many events that have since come and passed. One example of that would be the entering into a new stage of enlightenment with the opening of the 2012 alignment gate. You may not see it, but a gradual change of consciousness has begun to slowly shift the consciousness of millions of people. The toxic masculinity that the world has been subjected to for thousands of years is slowly making way for a more practical approach to humanity. I can't tell you the number of people who tell me that they have begun naturally manifesting psychic powers and abilities. They are able to see the future and in one case a girl that I know was even able to speak to her dead grandmother.
Of course, the Mayans had a bit of help that the rest of us did not have. That is a stellar knowledge of the universe that was given to them. They refer to these entities as their gods, but in all actuality, these entities could have very well been extraterrestrials. Either way, they were foreign entities that were written about the ancient with terms like "feather serpent". Sound an awful lot like a reptilian with wings if you ask me. The only reason that I even bring it up is that the piece that we are offering is an exceptional piece that we have received from working on a crystal skull that was found in one of the secret tunnel networks beneath Mexico City.
It was pretty amazing enough to be able to work with the crystal skull simply because it was a crystal skull. Honestly, we thought that all the crystal skulls had been found, but I guess that we were wrong. There were originally only supposed to be 13 of them, but there is definitely a 14th-- at least. We have seen it and we have worked with it. This crystal skull was much different than the others, and I daresay more powerful and for a very good reason. Embedded in this Crystal Skull was an intelligent life force. It was a universal life force, an enlightened life force, and a life force of pure knowledge.
We called the life force out of the crystal skull and set it into this piece. During the testing of this piece, we meditated with the pendant. When we meditated, the life force entered our bodies. The reality was whisked away from us and we were taken to a place where we existed as pure energetic forms. In this energetic form, we were able to exist in all forms at all times. I don't know how else to explain the experience. We were energy that existed outside of existence, but at the same time, we existed in all things at the same time. We were the energy that people called upon to create magic. We knew the magic. We knew all magic. We knew all of creation. We knew the minds of billions of living creatures. We knew the mind of the universe. We knew the Cosmic Conscious and even the Christ Conscious.
We existed an entire lifetime in the energetic form. We saw everything that we had ever known grow old and come to pass while we still existed in our eternal energetic form. We thought that this was it that we had become part of the life force and we were going to have to accept what we had become. However, when we least expected it, we were returned to our bodies and what had seemed like a lifetime was really only a few minutes and our lives resumed what we knew as normal. Everything was back to the way it was when we began working with the piece. we were able to live many other "lifetimes" with the magic in this piece.
The bottom line is that the entity in this piece is a living knowledge that knows all things. It is an arcane presence that has been around since the beginning of time-- probably longer. There is not a magic or a form of knowledge that this being cannot replicate. There is not being in existence that this life form cannot replicate for you. This piece is the literal definition of "ALL". He existence as all, but he exists as a separate life form. He will grant you the things that you want and need. There is nothing that is out of his reach.