The symbol of the evil eye is one of the most prominent in Voodoo culture. It is said that the Evil Eye would keep you safe from spells and curses that other practitioners of Voodoo cast upon you. However, the energy of the Evil Eye can do a lot more than that, because not only is the Eye seeing every type of magic that is cast upon you, it is seeing every type of magic, period. Think of it as the Voodoo equivalent of the all-seeing eye. These eyes can see and know everything that is happening all at once. This is how we were able to create this piece, which conjures the presence of Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans herself. When using this piece you are given the ability to call upon the Voodoo queen and her soul will come to you and entertain your Voodoo requests. She can legitimately cast any type of Voodoo spell that you ask of her. She is, after all, the Voodoo queen. The best part about this piece is that it holds dual magic. She will not hesitate to cast a revenge spell or a spell that will leave the life of your enemies in a heap. She stops short of death, but after the misfortune, she can create they will probably wish they were dead anyway. She can also cast more white light stuff like wealth, love, healing that sort of stuff. However, she likes to have fun every once in a while, so she does things on both ends of the spectrum.