To everyone reading this listing. We have a bunch of products like this one. This is an item that may have seen on the website before. For whatever reason this piece has either gone out for more testing, has been loaned out, or was sent for further research. All of these items work superbly. Even if you've seen the listing before, be careful to re-read the listing. Many of the items will have an update found at the beginning of the listing. Some of the items are more powerful than we thought they were and some of them have even more powers/abilities than we realized!
Each person is different. We are all on different paths in life; this means we all have different wants and needs that we must fulfill as part of our human destiny. Some people want power. They are the types of people that set out to be kings and royalty. Then there are those who want to be famous like movie stars and rockestars. Some even set out for that old fashioned emotion-- the warm tingly feeling you get when you want to be with somebody badly and they also want to be with you-- called love. Then there are those who are after spirit journeys to gain as much magical ability as possible. No matter what the desire and goal is, no matter what you crave in your life, there always seems to be one common denominator, one thing in common that people long for but is always just out of there reach. This one thing is wealth. That's right folks, good old-fashioned moolah! Listen, we could sit here and talk about what people want all day long, but the fact of the matter that is even if money isn't ohe of your desires, your desire requires some type of financial gain in one way or another. Even a romances requires money-- dates, weddings, etc. Money makes the world go 'round. This statement couldn't be any truer now than it has been for years and years. Wealth is just one of those things that everybody wants. Nobody has ever said, "I want to be poor" Even the monks live in their own type of luxury. It might not be what we consider luxury, but to them it is a gift from God... trust me.
When dealing with wealth there is one entity that keeps coming up over and over again. It is the ancient being known as a dragon. No matter what you think of when I say the name dragon, you are probably right. There are many different types of dragons, just like there are many races of humans. Each dragon will bring its own type of powers and ability, however there is one thing that ALL dragons will bring. That is extreme wealth. Any dragon piece that you buy-- whether it is from me or another buyer-- holds a wealth power that will come to you once it is unlock. The pieces that I'm offering as part of this colleciton already have the dragon wealth powers unlocked. They just come from a different type of dragon, from all parts of the world.
By now I'm sure you are wondering how we got to get our hands on these many different types of wealth dragons. Actually, it was by accident. Deedee and I were testing an astral travel piece when we came across a realm, where there are nothing but Dragons. The skies were filled with them, as the soared by. I can't remember what piece were were testing, but I kind of think that it was one of the shattered Earth pieces, where Deedee and I were able to go bend time and go back into different lifecycles of the Earth. Just like humans go through lifecycles so does the Earth. Somehow-- and believe me I know that is sounds strange, we slipped through some sort of loophole in both time and existence. The result was us ending up in this realm of Dragons. Til this day we don't know what in the world the name of this plain of reality was called, so we chose to call it Draconis Speluncam, which literally means Dragon's Den in Latin. We love the way Latin sounds, plus it kind of gives the place a magical feel so that way it sets the stage for what is about to happen-- which is a complete remodel of your life. This collection of pieces will totally and wholly give your life a transformation. More about this later.
Anywho, these pieces are ones that we found in Draconis Speluncam. Rather, I should say these pieces were at one point in time true living creatures of Draconis Speluncam. Deedee, somehow, was able to use a form of magic that she recently picked up to turn a few of the dragons form this realm into the pieces that are being offered in this series of wealth dragons-- and the dragons are just that, designed in such a way that they are used for wealth. I mean, I'm sure after you develop a bond with your own dragon that you can go other places and venture upon other horizons. However, the first and foremost power in these pieces is the astounding power of wealth that each one has in it. These pieces are like a gravitational pull that will attract wealth for you and before you know it you will be living the lifestyle of those people who you watch on television and think, "Damn I wish I could be like them, " or, "damn I wish I had the things they have." Not to be vain, but we've all been in those situations before. I mean, something as simple as a car commercial can throw us into a frenzy about how we'd love having that car; why not have it? Or an episode of Wheel of Fortune has you a longing for a vacation in Tahiti-- why not take it? Wealth doesn't have to be greed. We all deserve to pamper ourselves, so use one of these pieces-- our very own collection of wealth dragons-- and bring yourself the wealth you know you deserve.
This dragon's name is Humbaba. Humbaba is the feathered serpent who is the dragon of immemorial age. He flies in the East skies and was raised by the sun. He brings the powers of quantitative wealth, merely because of the position that he was left in charge of. He is the guardian of the Cedar Forest. You can kind of think of the Cedar Forest as a second form of the Garden of Eden in the sacred scripts of Mesopotamia. He guards the ancient city of the Gods and their treasures. The treasures were turned into wealth pending the prayers of humans, so the more prayers that they received the more powerful and plentiful their wealth powers become. You will be able to use this piece that is the physical embodiment of Humbaba to reach through the realms and pull out wealth powers and energies, the same way the Gods freely receive the prayers of their designated mortal, inevitably growing their riches.
Additionally, this piece brings a form of cosmological wizardry. This is because Humbaba was raised by the Sun. It will bring you sacred geometry and the reason why the planets and stars move the way they do in the. It has something to with the sacred keys of time, which will help you become an immortal sorcerers of sorts. This will help you experience other planes of existence by learning new ways to manipulate the energy fields around you to develop the powers and magic that you want-- First and foremost the astounding wealth powers that it comes with!!