Union of Four Airts<br /><br />
In Gaelic, the four points of the compass are known as the Four Airts. The magic circle in Wicca, normally has a candle at each of the four quarters. The four Airts are connected to the Four Elements that rule over the Earth and existence. They are Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water.<br /><br />
Power over these elements is very useful in and of itself. With that being said, when the four elements are combined inside of a ritual circle, the powers of each element become the contributing factor to a much great power-- the power of Great Knowledge.<br /><br />
With help from Grizzelle, our witch confidante, we were able to make a magic circle of our own, calling upon the great God and Goddess. With one candle lit at each point of the compass and some spice herbs we were able to open up a portal.<br /><br />
A vortex extended down from the opening of the portal, which was opened up in my ceiling. The vortex dropped down, removing our previous knowledge and filling us with a new knowledge. The new information we were given was the complete knowledge of witchcraft. It gave us all the secrets and magic of witchcraft.<br /><br />
These pieces were placed in inside of the vortex and have attained the same powers that we did when we opened the circle. These pieces hold the powers of all four elements. They hold the powers of the infusion of the elements, which will open up the wealth that is the Great Knowledge of Wicca. This will bring you the powers of many magics. It will enhance the efficiencies of your spells and craft abilities. <br /><br />