In recent history, it seems like bankers are dropping like flies. I've done the research and it appears that at least 48-60 prominent bankers from all over the world have died due to anything from apparent suicide, to sudden acute respiratory syndrome, to mysterious car accidents, to drug overdoses. The list goes on and on about how these people supposedly died. That's 48 bankers that were deprived of life in less than a year's time. Is it me or does that seem a little strange. Maybe had a handful gone to demise I would've been a little bit more easily able to swallow that pill. However, the fact that nearly 50 bankers from the world's leading banks have died led me to wonder that maybe there were roots behind all of it. I can't say that I actually did any investigation myself, because I was here working. However, I had somebody from our team do some research and he was able to find out the truth.
The bankers that have died, it seems, haven't died at all. How we eventually came into contact with the truth, I'm not at liberty to say because I may ruin a reliable source if I sell out and mention his name. I'm not willing to do that because he brings us some of the most powerful items that we offer on the website. We have had this partnership for some time and have even done joint investigations together. Either way, it is from him that this piece was brought to us, and from us that you can obtain the piece. As for the bankers that have all supposedly died, a good number off them did not die, but rather have been hand picked and selected to control the wealth of the world under the leadership of the NWO. With their leadership, the NWO hopes to take control of the entire world's source of income, so that way it may finally establish a one world government. They have already managed to weaken the economy of the United States and are now working on the rest of the world as we continue to see the price of crude oil fall, which from what I've seen, is crippling economies in the East and the Middle East. These bankers are alive and well and are up to no good at the exchange of extreme wealth that has been given to them by the NWO. Those of the bankers that refused to help with the narcissistic goals of the NWO were, of course, killed off.
I know that this seems extremely far-fetched to the normal human mind. However, those of you who know, know that the government will do anything to try to screw the average human being while the rich get richer. If the compelling evidence is enough proof, I do have this one item. This item was taken from among the ranks of the bankers that are working on behalf of the oneNWO is secret underground bunkers, even long after their deaths have been faked. This item is of direct and extreme wealth. It's powers have been placed via a wealth spell, into this vessel by a member of the NWO. This power is extreme wealth that will be fished from all directions. It will bring the wealth either in the form of wealth or in the form of wealth energies. These energies will come to you and you can dictate to them how you want your wealth to appear to you. Maybe you want to win the lottery, or get a promotion or raise at work. Either way, the wealth powers in this piece will bring you any type of wealth that you desire to have. No questions asked.
I have sizes in 12,13 and 11 and a half. One size 13, two size 12's and one 11 and a half