It is a misconception that alchemy only deals with physical properties. So many people think of alchemy as that one way ticket to wealth by changing something old and rickety into something new and shiny. I'm not saying this doesn't work, because alchemy is jugs that-- the transformation of something old into something new. What I'm saying is that for those of us who really understand alchemy the way that is was meant to be understood, turning steel into a gold necklace isn't exactly the objective.
On the contrary, the main interest of alchemy is the transformation of the human body. Our bodies are built in such a way that we all have the capabilities to become more than what we currently exist as. As set forth by the ancient mystic Paracelsus, the only way to transform ourselves is through a due process called Soul Alchemy. This type of magic is done using a special spiritual compound called Imus.
Alternatively, ORMUS is called ORMEs and stands for Orbitally Charged Monoatomic Elements. This is the energy that is found and emitted by such precious metals as gold, silver, and copper. What has been little known throughout the years is that this energy is actually the same energy that our souls have been made out of. It is called the energy of life and just like the properties of metal can be changed through the process of alchemy, so can the properties of the soul.
A set of mandates has been written by the ancient Paracelsus that explains how to become a spiritual luminary such as himself. Unfortunately and perhaps conveniently, over the years his teachings have been confiscated and no physical proof of them ever existing remains. Well, they remain, but only for the eyes of adept-- the ones who learn from within the confines of the ancient Greek Mystery Schools. It has not existed to the public since medieval times-- but, you know that we have certain ways of weaseling our way into situations. Without going into too much detail, this is what we have done. We staged an undercover investigation into the writings of this Paracelsus.
We confiscated a copy of the manuscript that was written by the alchemist and sorcerer Paracelsus. He is a Swiss German and his real name is Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim. So, you see we prefer to call him simply by Paracelsus. Honestly, we are not sure what has given him the astounding ability to be able to see properties of energy for what they really are. It could be an anomaly that he was born with, or maybe it was gift given to him by God. God understood that life energy was stored in such elements, why do you think that he instructed one of the wisemen to bring Baby Jesus gold?? Either way, Paracelsus excels at being able to manipulate energetic properties and was the Master Alchemist in the rank-and-file of Greek mystery schools.
Thanks to his deep knowledge and understanding, we can now offer you these pieces, that were made after we read what was more a less a manual on how to become a luminary such as himself. It gave us specific instructions on how to make these pieces and that is what we did. We have a collection of these pieces because they are extremely powerful. They provide you with an alchemical transformation. This transformation takes you from being a futile mortal and elevates your soul. It gives you an alchemy awakening that will allow you to know the way of the luminaries. They are a specific type. This awakening is a transformation of the soul, to let go of what was old and allow the coming of new.
This piece is your own personal metamorphosis into power. The wisdom of the essence of life will now be shown to and your souls will be fully in tune with the powers of the Great Work, which is divine magical powers. This elevates your body to a level that catapults your existence into a never-ending flow of ORMUS powers that will help you perform the following supernatural feats:
-Cure all illnesses and diseases
-remove and cures all spiritual blocks
-Corrects errors in the DNA to grant you any power you want
-Acts a super conductor between you and the energies of the Earth, which gives you knowledge of all spells
-Emits gamma radiation and allows you to communicate with spirits, souls, and entities from other realms, including extraterrestrials
-Allows you to levitate due to your new genetic make up and Earth's magnetic field
-Re-animate the dead by laying your hand on them and transferring your energy into them
-Allows you to shapeshift into any other creature, even creatures from other realms or planes of existence
-Allows you to use dark matter and energy to open up portals to other realms/planets