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You don't have to be a genius to figure out that our government's reputation is less than sterling. They strip billions of dollars from the people who work for a living, each year, in order to make a living for the people who don't. On top of that our dollars go to pay crooked politicians, lobbyists, and to throw huge galas for presidents. Yet, while the people at the top enjoy lavish lifestyles, there are millions of Americans in the alleged land of the free who are oppressed in living paycheck to paycheck, month to month. It doesn't seem very fair, does it?
You would think that the people in charge of a nation that was supposedly founded on the notion of equality and freedom would represent those ideals, but they don't. Frankly, they never have and they never will. America is nothing more than a continuation of an old tradition that began in England hundreds of years ago. We are a conduit of wealth that feeds the motherland and all of her greedy aspirations. Those at the top in America are not even at the highest levels. The ones who out-rank the best of the best are the ones from which the magic originally came from. I'm talking about the royal families of England. In saying royal, I don't simply mean literal royalty. I mean the bankers and tycoons. They are the 1% that rule the rest. America's booming legacy was no coincidence and neither was the fact that they won their independence from one of the most powerful militaries is world history. It was a set-up. They've done the same thing in Hong Kong. They gave it back. Now look, China's economy is booming like never before.
George Washington wasn't just some celebrated freedom fighter. He was a carefully selected face for an uprising. He was an insider sent by the king because the king the knew that people would follow him. Secretly, he was controlled by the royalty and more specifically he was controlled by the Masonic forces that ruled the royalty. They all needed new stomping grounds. They knew that America was the next big thing-- and why not?? It had resources, it wasn't landlocked, it was vastly uncharted except by the Native Americans they killed to get here. It was a grand expedition funded by the Freemasons, so that way they could spread their power and influence. Fast-forward to modern times. Capitalism is everything. Money buys you you anything. And you have whom controlling the world and all of its wealth? The same Freemasons that sent George Washington, a 33rd Degree Freemason, to free the colonies of their oppression. Our country has become nothing more than a playground where the rich exploit the poor. We're still oppressed and we always will be. This is because the Freemasons have a leg up on us. They have wealth magic and collectively speaking, the rest of country doesn't.
Take Washington D.C., for example. The people who built this city knew exactly what they were doing. As if the pyramid and the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill weren't enough, our nation's capital was built in series of shapes and patterns that are rife with Freemason symbolism. The buildings in capital are built in alignment with certain heavenly bodies. They are built in respects to the ley lines of the Earth. The architecture abounds with occult and sacred numerology and land on which the capital was built was long known by Native Americans to be of high spiritual energy. This was all done on purpose, so that way the Freemasons could collect the energies that are found in the universe, make themselves like gods, and use this energy to collect not just wealth, but extreme wealth. This is they type of wealth that makes people like the Hiltons and the Kennedys and the Rockefellers look like peasants. It is extreme wealth, but on a whole new level. I'm talking about bank accounts so high that they practically have to use exponents to keep track of the balance. You'll never hear about it, because they want it that way. They figure that if they make the average citizen struggle, then their attention will be focused solely on being able to survive another month, or on being able to put that next meal on the table. It's time to break the cycle!!
The secret meetings of the Constitutional Convention were held in secret for a reason. Anyone who cannot see that has been blindsided; and if you don't know what the Constitutional Convention is, then brush up of your American history. During these meetings George Washington was making sure that he had all of his Masonic brothers on board. They didn't just meet in private to draft a Constitution. They were holding Masonic blood rites where they sacrificed living souls to the gods for blessings of wealth and endurance. They were casting wealth spells and divining wealth items and probably even having orgy sex rituals. In their eyes whatever they had to do in order to keep the wealth in their inner circle was what they had to do. They didn't care. It is a tradition that is kept alive and well in place such as the Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg meetings. A Constitution was drafted, but that was preplanned by the people who still exploit us-- the British Crown. It was presented to the people and promised them freedom that never really came. It's time to get your freedom back!!
This collection of pieces was made from an Alchemy Masonic spell book that was penned by George Washington during his secret convention in Philadelphia. It is a book of Alchemy spells that turns every energy you can think of-- even sunlight-- into wealth magic. This book was written in order to contain all possible wealth spells to make America rich and they obviously worked. America is still the most powerful country in the world, despite what the media may have you think. We still have one of the highest GDPs in the world, and we still consume more than the rest of the world. The wealth spells worked, but the people are benefitting from it are the people at the top, the people who control the magic and the power that generated the wealth that was supposed to be all of ours. This collection of piece is one of extreme wealth items. They were made with the wealth spells that were penned by George Washington.
How did we make them? Well, you know how our government thinks that the Pentagon is impenetrable. It's not when you have operatives and allies on the inside. We got a copy of these wealth spells and that is how we made these pieces. There is not single aspect of wealth that these pieces will NOT bring to you. In fact, this piece doesn't even really bring you wealth-- IT IS WEALTH!! With one of these pieces, you will start to notice that ALL areas of your financial will begin to improve. You will find that wealth will begin manifesting itself into your life in all areas of your life. The best part is that you don't even have to do anything to make it work. All you have to do is wear the piece you get and it will work on its own. This is the mask the capitalists have been hiding behind for so long. People like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and Donald Trump-- they've all used this magic to get rich. Now, it's your turn!! This is the ultimate wealth piece. Break the cycle. Don't live in the illusion of freedom. Get yours today, you will not regret it!!