Spiritual Extinguisher
This item will help you to subdue tyrannical persons, or those involved in criminal activities, that affect the welfare and the integrity of society as a whole~!
Business people bent on destroying nature and the environment for their own selfish purposes can also be stopped by using the services of this particular spirit that will wreak havoc, cause chaos, or upset the evil plans and machinations of these individuals who would control and manipulate others for their own self-aggrandizement. If unstopped these tyrants will turn the masses into mindless slaves!
The item is easy to use without any chanting or ritual involved. You simply need to come in contact with a place where the individual you want to impart the extinguished power from is often... so there home, office, cafe, ets. You need to be able to channel their energy when you call upon it, and bits of a perosns energy dwells in the areas they often are in!
This is a great item just to help you in your daiy life as well, as you could be a consumer getting taken advantage of... and even without the distinction of a certain person .. just having this piece will implode energies upon you that will bring forth the ability to not be taken advantage of!! This will allow you the knowledge and strength to understand the games played, espeically at car dealerships and furniture shops~
Make sure not to misuse this item, however, as it will result in grave karmic retribution.