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This piece is incredibly powerful in what it will do for you. I have not encountered a piece this powerful for a long time. The origins of this piece are purely other-dimensional, in a place where tie doesn't exist. When you enter that realm you have only two options. Either you stay in that realm and you can live eternally with the other beings that reside there. Or, you can return to your mortal fate. You can't have it both ways. However, I somehow managed to bring back a piece of magic from that realm that gives the person who wears it a little bit of an in-between option.
How did I happen upon this piece? Honestly, it was all a big mistake. I was using a piece that allowed me to astral travel. I was testing it, in fact. Needless to say, that piece works. I think we just sold it the other day. Either way, when I was testing this piece I accidentally ended up in an alternate universe that was created for lost souls. The entity that created the realm is called the Anterior. I had no business being in the realm, to begin with. Since another soul was opening the realm at the time, to return to the realm with more souls she had found, I was kind of dumped into this existence when I used the piece to astral travel. The realm was full of all different types of souls that were not allowed to leave. To leave would be to go back to imminent danger and certain death. You see, these souls were collected during some sort of calamity that had occurred in their life, right before death. They were taken to this realm in soul form and salvaged in a sort of limbo. To leave the realm would mean sudden death for them.
I know this might sound a little bit confusing, so let me tell you the story of one of the souls that met there. Her name was Agnes and she would have died just days after her 15th birthday if she hadn't been collected by one of the Anterior's Reapers. These are the spirits that Anterior sends out to scour the Earth for people who are on their death bed. The job of the Reapers is to bring the souls back to the Dimension of the Anterior. The Reapers are instructed to only bring back souls that they can tell have some sort of metaphysical power to offer the Anterior. Agnes was alive during the 1300s. It was 1348 when she contracted the Bubonic PLague and began to get worse. She was coughing up blood when the plague doctor was first called to try and help her. He informed her parents who had yet to get the plague that their quarantined daughter wasn't going to make it. During the following three days, Agnes told me that she was visited by the most beautiful creature while she was asleep. She figured she had been hallucinating, but he visited her again the second day. Then, on the third day, when the doctor predicted imminent death, the being she saw in her dreams came to her in her waking hours. He told her to take his hand and he would take her to a place where there was no more pain. So, she figured she was talking to some kind of angel and did as she was told. This is how she ended up in the Dimension of the Anterior.
In the Dimension of the Anterior, there are many souls-- I'd say thousands of them. I have not encountered all of them, but I have encountered enough to know that each of the souls in the Dimension holds a specific power. The souls were rescued by the Anterior of premature death, but now these souls must remain in the DImension. If they leave they would go back and suffer the same fate all over again. They can leave if they want, but most stay so they don't have to face the death that awaits them. In exchange, the Anterior has exclusive control of whatever power or ability each of the souls brings to the table. Each soul that is added to the Dimension allows the Anterior to grow in power. The Anterior now has thousands of powers, as it has collected thousands of souls with the help of her Reapers. I can only speculate, but I think this part of why she doesn't let the spirits leave. She has too much to gain from them being there with her. I'm pretty sure that's why she started collecting souls in the first place. She sent her Reapers out to people in times of desperation and convinced them they could live on in a different realm if they would only surrender their powers.
To be honest, I'm not quite sure what kind of entity the Anterior is. A powerful one at the very least. This ring is a connection piece to the Dimension of the Anterior. When you wear this piece you can mentally see into the Dimension of the Anterior and to see the souls that she has saved, invited to live with her, and the used them for their powers. You will not be able to travel into the actual Dimension. However, when you use this piece you will be able to see into the Dimension of the Anterior and to see all the souls she has. You will be able to sort through the souls and to discover them and the powers that they have to offer. Then, you can use this piece to develop a connection to the Anterior. We are not exactly sure what kind of spirit the Anterior is, but we have been able to use this piece to make a connection with the spirit. This piece was given to me by Agnes, who told us it would give us a connection to the Anterior because they each had their own. This is how the Anterior drew from the powers and energies.
When you wear this piece your connection with the Anterior will be developed. Through the Anterior you will be able to ask for the powers that you want. The Anterior has the luxuries of thousands of powers that it can share with you. When using this piece you will meditate with it and the Anterior will show up to you in its purest spiritual form. You will communicate with the Anterior, telling it what powers you would like and the Anterior will bridge them into your piece for you. It will only do this as long as you agree to keep the whole existence of the Dimension of the Anterior a secret between the two of you. Who knows? If you keep this piece long enough, maybe the Anterior will send its Reapers for you one day and you'll get to live there for good if you want to. In the meantime, I'm sure you can settle for the Anterior giving you any power that you request of it. We have not asked the Anterior for immortality during testing, so we don't know if this is something that can give you immortality or not. Everything we asked for during testing was given to us. Everything.
Instructions-- You will wear this piece for a bonding period of no less than 7 days. On the 8th day, you will light a candle and meditate with this piece until you feel the presence of the Anterior. When you feel the Anterior and the telepathic vibe it puts out to you, then it is time for the next step. By the light o the candle you will write down the power or powers that you want the Anterior to grant for you. Then, you will simply wear this piece and wait for the Anterior to bridge those powers into this piece so that way you can use them. If there is something that the Anterior cannot grant for you (doubtful), it will let you know this upfront.