Usually you come across a want that does a few things but this one is so much more. Not because it was born that way but because it became that way due to the dilligence of some very strong individuals that formed a great and powerful coven.
Normally you don't see this type of stuff on my site but these were worth it. I also have a larger one and the handle is Amythest.
The one your looking at now will heal all chakra's,align them and open the third eye. These will also heal all parts of the body and to use it you only need to place the tip on the injured areas for a few moments,enough to draw out the injury or pain.
You may also use these to draw sigils in the earth or sand.stir your tea with,open up doorways and all sorts of things not to mention the casting of serious spells!
I only have two and they all have real gemstones in them to help with the more serious magic.