Arcturians The Arcturians originate from a crystal blue planet orbiting the star Arcturus. Arcturus is a red super-giant located in the constellation Bootes. Arcturus is also the brightest star in that constellation and it lies 36 light years from Earth. The 'handle' of the big dipper points to the bright star Arcturus. Source: Hidden Mysteries Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in our entire galaxy Edgar Cayce Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity.
It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with 'physicals' at this end of the galaxy. Some of the most fascinating information comes from a book by Norma Milanovich called â¬SWe, the Arcturians,â¬? which I highly recommend. The Arcturians are short in physical statue, about three or four feet tall, and slender. They look very much alike, which they are happy about because it erases the pettiness of comparing looks, which is so predominant to Earth society. The Arcturians are the most loving and nonjudgmental beings you can possibly imagine. Their skin is a greenish color. They have very large, almond- shaped eyes. They have only three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are very telepathic. Their source of nourishment is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being. Their eyes are dark brown or black. Their main organ of seeing is actually their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes. Their sense of hearing transcends even their telepathic nature. They also have ability to sense with the backs of their heads. The average life span is from three hundred fifty to four hundred years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, since they have the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence is finished. There is no sickness in Arcturus; it was eliminated centuries ago. Strangely, if you read the description of the Kelly-Hopkinsville, Alien Encounter 1955 I gave the resemblance of the Arcturians and their creatures is uncanny. Take the time to go and read messages on this site, you will enjoy it, quite fascinating read. Passage taken form Message from the Arcturians The Harmonic Convergence is a gateway or portal to yourselves. It is the portal to your Christed Selves.The 13h Dimension.As we move through the Photon Belt, we are lifting into the vibration of the Oneness with All Light Beings. This awakening will affect people on all levels. Aware or unaware, we will all lift in vibration.It is the Awakening of the Soul and Spirit, combining the conscious and sub-conscious. It is the Higher Self moving in and through our bodies. We become pure channels of the Light.With duality of your emotional state, it is important to focus on the positive side of your bodies, (spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical) so that this process is made.With the exception of Alpha Centauri, Arcturus has the largest proper motion (2.29' in PA 209°) of first magnitude stars observed from Earth. This motion was first detected by Sir Edmond Halley (1656-1742) in 1718.According to Robert Burnham, Jr. (1931-93), Arcturus is now at its closest proximity to Sol, having become visible at about half a million years ago but will fade from view in its motion toward Virgo in another half a million years.It may have been the first star to be observed by telescope in daylight, by Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche (1583 - 1656) in 1635. The star is the title member of the Arcturus group. THE ITEMS I HAVE FROM COME A WOMAN THAT MET WITH AN ARCTURIAN BECAUSE SHE WAS BLIND BUT USED SOME OF THE SAME POWER THEY HAD IN ORDER TO SEE. THE ITEMS ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND GIVE YOU THE POWER AND THE ABILITY YOU WILL NEED IN THE COMING TIMES. EACH ONE OF THESE HOLDS POWER,ENLIGHTENMENT AND THE ABILITIES OF THE ARCTURIANS. THE LIGHT IS TO MAKE YOU SEE BECAUSE IN REALITY WE AT THIS TIME ARE ALL BLIND. BUT YOU WON'T STAY THAT WAY.