Warding Off the Karens
Warding Off the Karens
Warding Off the Karens
Warding Off the Karens
Warding Off the Karens

Warding Off the Karens

Regular price $38.00
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This piece is for those of you who find yourself surrounded by people who can't mind their own business. There are lots of them around. They think their lives are perfect. They think they know everything about everything, when in fact they are simply twits that honestly aren't that bright. They try to nose all up in your business so that way they can pretend like they know what they are talking about, but still-- they never will. They'll just take their big magpie mouths somewhere else and start spreading rumors they know nothing about because that's what they do.  


Conversely, this piece creates a shield around you that will keep all the Karens away. Nobody likes Karen. I'm sorry if you're name is Karen. You might be a Karen that isn't a Karen, but this piece is for protection from the Karen-y Karens that really need to learn how to stay out of people's business. Call your Karen-shield if you want, but this piece will make them stay to themselves and not bother you. It holds energy they simply don't like.