The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis
The Real Housewives of Atlantis

The Real Housewives of Atlantis

Regular price $38.00
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Okay, so she wasn't a housewife, but I got your attention, right?  Well, she kind of was a housewife.  She was actually a princess of the pyramids... in Atlantis.  She actually wore this piece at one point in time.  We got this piece using a piece that allowed us to astral travel to Atlantis.  She actually popped up in a psychic vision to Deedee and led us straight to the piece.  We don't know exactly how old this piece is because the Atlantean Realm kind of exists inside of a time anomaly at present.  No matter, though.  This piece gives you a connection to the ancient pyramids of Atlantis, which can help you manifest pretty much any magic you are interested in.  There's a reason why the ancient Atlanteans were so powerful and the pyramids were one of those reasons.  They are many times more powerful than the pyramids brought to Earth.   You don't have to wear this piece if you can't.  We recognize that one size doesn't always fit all.  What you can do is hold the piece on your lap or lay it across your stomach wen you meditate with it.  This will give you a connection to the princess of the pyramids.  She will, in turn, give you a connection the ancient pyramids where you will be able to manifest the magic that you've always wanted.  Her name is Darney.