While we are offering love magic, here is another one. It's kind of hard to tell in the picture, but this is the only picture that we had of this piece. It is a ring with a purple stone heart. This piece holds a power that we call Star Crossed Lovers. This is because you will wear this ring and it will create an imprint of your existence. This will be like a carbon copy of your soul. The magic in this piece will then seek throughout the whole world the person who is your true soul-mate. Once it finds your soul mate, it will hook your lover. Once it does that, all that is left to do is real them in. This will be done through consistently meditating with this piece allowing your essence to draw him/her closer to you. This will allow your love to manifest themselves into your life. You will know when you meet him/her because she/he will be perfect for you. It will be one of those connections that you will just feel in your soul, because that s literally what this piece allows you to do.