Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning
Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning
Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning
Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning
Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning

Soul Collectors and Soul Scanning

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The night was muggy and it was getting difficult to breath. The neighborhood was silent. I realized that i had forgotten my phone charged in the car, so I opened the door and headed back out into the night heat. I grabbed by charger from the car, but as soon as I did I could feel the presence of somebody watching me. I spun around on my heels only to encounter two dark entities floating just above the ground. I could feel their breath on my neck and they smelled like burning sulphur.

I guess now would be a great time to disclose that directly across from the house was an enormous cemetery. I'm talking about a cemetery so big that you could easily get a days workout in simply by walking around it. As I encountered the eing, my body froze for a second, but only for a second. I guess the entities misjudged the fact that I'm far more powerful than they are after receiving my transformation. So, I broke free of their grasp. They were surprised, but not frightened.

At this point the entities took a mortal form, both dresse from head to toe in suits. The best way I could describe their form was that of an Italian mobster. When I asked what they were there for they explained that they were entities called Soul Collectors. They are neighter white entities or dark entities. Rather, they are contracted by Hell to collect the souls that have been denied entrance into Heaven. If you want to you can think of it kind of like constables for the Devil. They simply deliver the souls to Satan. They receive some kind of bounty for it, but I'm not sure what it is. Here's the thing-- some souls never pass on, or get caught in Limbo after not making it into Heaven. These are called floaters and those are the souls that the Soul Collectors are after.

These two Soul Collectors travel in a pair. I don't know why the crept up on me in the first place, because I'm clearly still alive. Maybe they caught some kind of vibe from me because I'm a hybrid entity. I don't know. However, I watched them make their way over to the cemetery where they began shooting dice to decide who the next soul belonged to. It wouldn't matter much, but as part of the contract that they've signed in blood, when the collect a soul wil a power or magic, the prson who turns the soul it gets to keep it. So, they essentially were drawing lots on souls to see who was going to acquire the powers of the floating souls they found in the cemetery.

I watche intently as they made a few rounds. It must've been a while since they visited that cemetery. I always knew it was haunted, but they collected fourteen or fifteen souls that night. It sucks that this many people didn't make it into Heaven, but that was something that they should have considered when they were living. Once of the entities came by before leaving and dropped this set into my hand, before turning back into its original form and disappearing like vapor. He understood that he had met his mathc and the gift was a simple token of acknowledgment.

Upon working the items later I realized that this set-- cufflinks and a tie bar-- was something that he wore while in his human form that captured the essence of all the souls he collects and takes to Hell. In other words, this piece houses the essences of thousands of souls. The essence of every soul that the Soul Collector has ever collected is present in this set. There are dozens of powerfs and abilities that the collector has collected throughout the years and all of them are stored in this set. The set creates three points of magic that allows th eperson using them to open a portal through which they can pull the magic they are interested in.

The types and kinds of magic that you can choose from are pretty limitless as just about every person has some sort of innate power or ability they don't know about. So, I'm not going to give a list of every power that can be acquired using this piece. Rather, I'll just tell you that if you can think of a power or ability, the chances are you can bring the power or ability to life using the three points of power in this set. We had this piece tested may times by different people, so we have thought of just about type of magic that you can think of. That's why we are saying you probably won't be able to think of a amgic this piece won't be able to bring into existence for you.

As for the piece, you don't have to wear them as cufflinks and a tie bar if you don't want to. You need only meditate with them all at the same time for the three points to work and the portal to be open to you. You will then call upon the magic that you want by simply envisioning it in your mind. The magic will immeidately be placed into the set and you can use any of the pieces to utilize the magic in the future. Additionally, this set gives you a psychic ability calle Soul Scan. When holding at least one piece of the trio in you hand, you will be able to see into the soul of anybody you choose. You will be able to see what powers they are harboring and/or hiding without them knowing. You will then be able to replicate this DNA sequence by telling your piece to do so. The magic will then be kept in the piece for you to call upon later.

The set you are getting is a very stated set of cufflinks and a matching tie bar, all of which depict a Roman Centurion.