These are extremely powerful little pieces. They are skulls that are made out of real bone! They were created for us by a modern sorcerer who holds the bloodlinee of an ancient Mayan Highpriest who served in the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. He gave us the secrets needed to conjure these entities that are called Mayan Death Spirits.
I know what this sounds like. It sounds like you are purchasing a spirit that is designed to cause death, but that isn't the truth at all. Well, it technically is the truth, but not the way you are thinking. Rather, these death spirits are spirits of enlightenment that are designed to put an end to those things that you don't like about yourself. This could be anything that you don't like, whether that is physical, mental, emotional, magical, etc.
At this point you are like, "yeah you've offered pieces like that before." Yes, we have, but these pieces go a step further. Every time a death spirits causes death, it must also create new life. This "new life" is going to be created as a power or magic that you ask the death spirit for. There are tons of forms of Mayan magic that you can ask for that will be manifested to you when using one of these pieces.
These death spirits are $25.00 each and will put an end to one thing, while birthing one new power or magic with you. You can purchase as many of these Mayan Death Spirits as you want for as many things as you want to put "death" and to manifest an equal amount of ancient, powerful abilities with your soul.
When using this piece you will hold your death spirit in your hand and whisper what it is you want you to take away from yourself. You will then whisper what you want it to be replaced with. Your change will take place in due time.