For those of you who wish to be able to heal and help people, this is the perfect piece for you. Raviniska gave us this piece as a result of a minor investigation that she went on in Crete. While she was there she discovered one of the original unicorns of Ctesias. Unicorns weren't native to the Greek pantheon as they had been around for centuries prior to the founding of their land. In the 5th Century BC, the elder Ctesias decided he was going to take a liking to unicorns and start birthing them like cockroaches in a Manhattan apartment building. The result was a breed of unicorns called the Ctesian Unicorns. They are a well-known ability to heal anything and everything. This is the power you get with this piece, which holds an original Ctesian Unicorn.
With this healing piece, you must think outside the box. It will minor physical healing-- aches and pains, headaches, stuff like that. This is more about spiritual healing, the granting of psychic abilities. Also-- think bigger than that. Think of financial healing for wealth. Think love healing to help people find their soulmates. Anything that somebody is lacking is a prime example of what they need healing in. Another example would be somebody who is unlucky could receive luck healing. The sky is the limit with this piece!!
Your Unicorn's name is Cestasia.