This piece was created for us by an Adeptus Exemptus which is 9th Grade in the Golden Dawn initiation rank. This rank gives an awakening that corresponds to the 10 Sephiroth, which is the Sephiroth of Divine Emanation. When acquiring the title Adeptus Exemptus, you are given an enlgithenment that allows you to experience the many emanations of the divine. It gives you the ability to experience the many forms in which God appears to man. It allows you to have the white light knowledge of each of these emanations, which is to say that you will gain the totality of god's many forms of knowledge. This you will be able to manifest into your mortal reality in the form of many white light powers that will be bestowed upon after completely your enlightment. These powers are not going to be listed, they will simply be shown to you and given to you when the time has come.