This is a very straight-forward and easy piece. We have a lot of people that are interested in this type of item so we have teamed up with the Master Conjurer to bring you yet another one. This time we have conjured the spirit form a white wolf named Abednego, just like the guy in the Bible. You will need to wear this piece to connect with Heaven Hound and when you do you will enjoy his benefits. What will he do for you? He will rid your life of darkness and evil. He will protect you from all future instances of darkness and evil. He fights of demons and all sorts of entities that desire nothing more than to leech off of your life energies. He will also grant white light miracles for you as he has a connection to Heaven and the throne of God. He also serves as a general companion spirit and you will hear him playing every once in a while or catch glimpses of him out of the corner of your eyes as he prefers not to be seen in full form.