This piece is incredibly powerful in the magic that it will provide for you. It holds the spiritual essence of the Hebrew Alef-Bet, which are the original 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is from these original letters that the 72 names of God were created. This was accomplished simply because God was the one that created the Alef-Bet. We know that this is true because it says in the Bible that in the beginning was the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He created the Alef-Bet as magical sigils. He arranged these sigils to form 72 divine forms of magic called the Names of God.
To guard these 72 magical forms he created 72 angels. These angels are interchangeably referred to as the 72 Names. Either way, the point is that this piece is capable of summoning the 72 Angels of God. This piece comes from a covert temple called the Temple of Israel that is secretly run by Benjamin Netanyahu. He is a very powerful man and there is a reason for that. He has mastered the 72 Names of God through conjuring the 72 angels that guard them. This is one of the pieces that was used by him and his associates at the Temple of Israel.
When using this piece you are simply going to wear it and meditate. There is nothing else that you have to do to use the piece. When you meditate a holographic reality is going to appear in your mind. In this reality, the 72 angels are going to present you with the 72 Names of God, which are the 72 Secret powers. We've offered pieces similar to this before, so you all should know that I cannot reveal the 72 secret powers. Without proper conditioning, such as the conditioning of this piece, the mere power of the name is enough to cause death. So, they will be revealed to you when and if you choose to make your purchase. We believe that these pieces have a way of finding their rightful owners.
The piece you will receive is a blue crystal rosary! Very powerful!