This is another piece that we made with the help of our master conjurer. This piece helps on many fronts but was specifically created for wealth and abundance. Into this piece has been summoned five specific angels that we hand-picked because of their overwhelming ability to open paths and guide you to a wealthier life and a life full of abundance in all things. To use this piece you will wear the bracelet and write down how you want the power in this piece to help you. You will then light that paper on fire and send your request up in smoke. Here are the angels that we conjured to help you.
Archangel Raziel-- He Helps Manifest Abundance and Prosperity
Gadiel-- He Releases Negativity and Provides Direction
Barakiel-- He Brings Good Fortune
Gamaliel-- He Provides Gifts and Miracles
Pathiel -- He Opens the Gates of Manifestation